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Average score 478 Reviews
Maria Grazia Magarotto noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good Japanese restaurant, unlimited menu at fixed cost or à la carte, fresh ingredients, always full for both lunch and dinner, it is advisable to book, (Original) Buon ristorante giapponese menù illimitato a costo fisso o alla carte ,materie fresche ,sempre pieno sia a pranzo che a cena conviene prenotare ,

2 months ago
Chiara Brugarino noted on Google

2 months ago
Vasyl Zilnyk noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Best all-you-can-eat in Grosseto (Original) Migliore all-you-can-eat di Grosseto

2 months ago
Claudia Poggi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent food! Delicious sashimi, small and tasty rolls. Very fast service but with few words. Excellent value for money Packaged sweets (referred by others because I didn't eat it) (Original) Cibo ottimo! Sashimi buonissimo, rolls piccoli e gustosi. Servizio velocissimo ma di poche parole. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo Dolci confezionati (riferito da altri perché non l'ho mangiato)

2 months ago
Gaia Capponi noted on Google

2 months ago
valerio bettolini noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent food, fast but not very polite service, comfortable environment (Original) Cibo ottimo, servizio veloce ma poco garbato, ambiente confortevole

2 months ago
Mirco Tirocchi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Since it opened I haven't been to other sushi restaurants (Original) Da quando ha aperto io non sono andato in altri sushi restaurant

2 months ago
Daniela Sclafani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent quality food.. highly recommended 🍜🍱🍙🌮 (Original) Cibo di ottima qualità.. consigliatissimo 🍜🍱🍙🌮

2 months ago
Giulia Simoni noted on Google

2 months ago
maria letizia sormanni noted on Google

2 months ago

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Via Castiglionese, 64
58100 Grosseto GR, Italia

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