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Average score 478 Reviews
Lucrezia Bruno noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My weekly go-to...great food and excellent service. For me the best in Grosseto. Well done!! (Original) Il mio appuntamento settimanale...cibo ottimo e servizio eccellente. Per me i migliori di Grosseto. Bravi!!

1 month ago
Gala Galina noted on Google

1 month ago
奇怪的人 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) good sushi with fresh fish! (Original) buono sushi con pesce fresco!

1 month ago
squiddy banana noted on Google

1 month ago
Youk Linda noted on Google

(Translated by Google) beautiful places, excellent food (Original) locali bellissimo cibo ottimo

1 month ago
elisa ye noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The environment is very nice and the staff is very kind. The food is good. I hadn't been to another Japanese restaurant since it opened. (Original) L'ambiente è molto carino e il personale è molto gentile. Il cibo è buono. Non andavo in un altro ristorante giapponese da quando ha aperto.

1 month ago
Asii Lina noted on Google

(Translated by Google) excellent good sushi (Original) ottimo buono sushi

1 month ago
badio enzo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) excellent food (Original) cibo ottimo

1 month ago
Rossella noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The place is new, clean and modern. Good sushi, very varied menu, also suitable for celiacs....perhaps the best in Grosseto? Well... in the meantime I always come back very willingly 😋 (Original) Il locale è nuovo, pulito e moderno. Sushi buono, menù molto vario, adatto anche a celiaci....forse il più buono di Grosseto? Beh... intanto io ci torno sempre molto volentieri 😋

1 month ago
Gabriele Privitera noted on Google

1 month ago

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Via Castiglionese, 64
58100 Grosseto GR, Italia

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